by YTEMIOLAD » Tue May 09, 2017 6:47 pm
My case is veeerrry straight forward , nothing in anyway is complicated about it ... no dependants... everything is straightforward and I also put in some stickers to point attentions to necessary relevant stuff as listed in the policy guidance .
Mgt accounts, Company house docs, 50k trf from personal to company (both company and personal statement of accounts) clearly evident, 2 employees enrolled for 14 months and all tax paid, PAYE, VAT , corporation tax .... application form carefully completed , all documents labelled , addition documents i.e. cheques , invoices , all signed , Monthly payroll RTI etc . all documents listed in the policy guidance ... no complexity whatsoever ...
At least I would expect some sort of letter from the home office advising that decision would take longer , but nothing through the post .
so extremely worried .