My father in-laws applied for Visitor visa got rejected from India.
Refusal Decision
In assessing your application it is your personal and financial circumstances which are of importance and the onus is on you to qualify for entry clearance in your own right. It is your responsibility to satisfy me that your personal circumstances are such that you need all of the requirements of the above paragraphs (Appendix V)of the immigration rules and will leave the UK on completion of the proposed visit and you have not done this.
- You state that you want to visit the UK for 4 month to visit your daughter and her family, I have recognised the importance of the family visits and have carefully considered your application. The onus is on you to qualify for entry clearance based on your own circumstances and your own intentions. You have said that your son in law will help you with this visit by paying for your maintenance and accommodation while you are in UK and i am satisfied that he is in a position to do so. But whilst I take that into account in accessing your proposed maintenance and accommodation in the UK that is only one aspect of the visitor rules and this sponsorship does not satisfy me of your own intention to leave the UK on completion of your visit.
-I have noted that you have stated that you are a self employed farmer earning Rs 200000 per year. Whilst I acknowledge the nature of your income can be inconsistent, in the absence of full details of how your income cycle is generated from your farming, i am unable to determine weather your bank statements is an accurate reflection of your financial circumstances. Especially given that I have noted 2 large deposit going into your account held at SBI of Rs 200000 and Rs 100000 on 21 St. March 2017. As a consequence I am not satisfied that you have accurately presented your personal circumstances, intentions in seeking entry the UK, or met the requirements of Appendix V: V4.2(a) & (c) of the immigration rules.
Further Applications:
Any further UK visa applications you make will be considered on their individual merits, however you are likely to be refused unless the circumstances of your application change.
Inrelation to this decision there is no right of appeal or right to administrative review.
We showed the following -
All the rest of their family is in India.
He is Farmer, Showed Rs200000 as annual income. But we didn't provide any document proof of the agricultural income.
Account Statement (having around Rs 300000) as balance
Also mentioned that I will sponser him if needed for travel and the accomodation and all other expenses of UK.
I am British Citizen, wife on ILR and Son British.
Can anyone please guide what to do now.
1. Can I reapply immediately? or do we need to wait?
2. How can we show agricultural income?
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