Effective 1 July 2006, where a mother is married, the father of a child (for British nationality purposes) is automatically the man to whom she is married. See section 9.9.5 to Chapter 9 of the Home Office Nationality Instructions.
https://www.gov.uk/government/uploads/s ... 150402.pdf
Is the child U.K. born? If so, the main options are:
- was your EEA citizen ex-husband a Permanent Resident when the child was born (or otherwise considered settled- Irish citizen, ILR/Right of Abode holder, etc.). If so, then the child would be a British citizen on this basis- although it would have to be documented carefully. Probably a Confirmation of Nationality Status letter would be recommended:
https://www.gov.uk/government/publicati ... us-form-ns
- Since you have since acquired Permanent Residence in your own right, you would be able to register the child as a British citizen under section 1(3) of the British Nationality Act, provided application is made before age 18.
https://www.gov.uk/register-british-cit ... after-1983
- Not relevant if there is a simpler pathway to British citizenship, but the Home Office will normally register a child in this situation as a British citizen under section 3(1) of the Act if there would be a claim to British citizenship based on the natural father's British citizenship/settled status.
Whether or not your child is, or can become, a citizen of your ex-husband's EEA state depends on the law of that country. It may not be the same as British law. Also- child may be eligible for whichever nationality you hold.
This is not intended to be legal or professional advice in any jurisdiction.