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Which procedure to follow once non-EU parents of EU citizen arrive in France?

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Which procedure to follow once non-EU parents of EU citizen arrive in France?

Post by jinyasha » Thu Sep 14, 2017 8:29 pm

I'm super confused about which procedure to follow for my non-EU parents once they arrive in France.

I'm Irish. I live and work in France. My non-EU parents recently got their visa to come to France. It's type D visa valid for one year. On their visa, it says 'France (Sauf CTOM)', 'Long sejour temporaire' and 'Dispense temporaire de carte de sejour'. My friend who speaks French told me that this means my parents don't need to get Carte de sejour when their visa is valid.

But the French public service website says non-EU family members of EU citizen must get Carte de sejour within 3 month of arrival in France. ... its/F19315

So I don't know what we should do. If anybody has experiences, please share.

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Re: Which procedure to follow once non-EU parents of EU citizen arrive in France?

Post by wegiwegi » Thu Sep 14, 2017 10:12 pm

from the link you posted

Les personnes majeures non européennes de votre famille doivent obligatoirement demander une carte de séjour dans les 3 mois de leur entrée en France. Peu importe qu'elles souhaitent travailler ou pas en France.

It says that family members non EU, over 18 have to get a permit during the 3 months of their arrival, not matter if they will work or not in France.

So yes, your parents have to register and get a residence permit as well.
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Re: Which procedure to follow once non-EU parents of EU citizen arrive in France?

Post by jinyasha » Fri Sep 15, 2017 7:14 pm

Thanks for the reply.

We actually would like to get the carte de sejour. The visa didn't say a thing about my parents being the family members of EU citizen. I just hope the prefecture won't refuse to even lodge our application because the visa says my parents don't need carte de sejour.
