They had issued the court notice on 5 August, 2016 with a hearing set for 25 August, 2016.
I spoke with the Council authorities on 19 August, 2016 and gave them evidence of the last 33 months where I had never missed to pay council tax on time. The authorities agreed and we setup a payment plan wherein it was also agreed that if I paid the remaining dues per the payment plan they will waive the court fees as well.
Their exact statement
I paid the remaining amount per the plan (or rather immediately, a one time full settlement) and they indeed waived the court fees. I was also instructed to ignore the court notice as I had agreed to a payment plan.However on this occasion I will be prepared to waive the costs in March 2017 once all payments have been received on their due dates.
- Should I be responding "Yes" for Question 3.5 of the Form AN
3.5 Have you received any cautions (simple or conditional), warnings or reprimands in the UK or any other country?
- If I respond Yes to the above, what should be the details I should be providing for the question 3.6 of the form AN.
The council recovery team who gave me the dates (as I did not see any of the warnings / court summons myself as they were all stolen) mentioned the following3.6 Give details for each caution (simple or conditional), warning or reprimand starting with the most recent one.
They also mentioned that even they will not disclose to anyone as it is protected under Data Protection Act, but I am guessing the Home Office will be able to get the details.The court does not have any digital records, so they will not have this information regarding your court notice. The only paper work they will have are
- A request from council for the hearing
These documents will be sealed and will not be available for any one in general.
- A request from council that the hearing has been cancelled as an arrangement has been reached
I am slightly worried and confused!
Any suggestions?