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VISA expired

Forum to discuss all things Blarney | Ireland immigration

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VISA expired

Post by aracati » Wed Nov 08, 2017 9:37 am

Hi all, quick resume of my situation.

I live in ireland for almost 6 and half years, holding stamp 4 for 5 years and half.

l got divorced, and my last visa was given because my daughter valid for 2 years.

this visa will expire next week.

I have applied for Irish citizenship and I am waiting for the process.

so I went to immigration 2 times first time they said I need bring my daugther to give me a visa, but my daugther is out of the country with her my solving mom's personal problems.

so I went again with court order for the maintenance I pay to my daugther proof of address of my daugther and passport and they did not accept, so they said to contact Immigration Office by Letter.

So I did send all stuff and proof I have here what shows my daugther lives here, but still have no answer.

I am get scaring because I have full time job and I don't know how to proceed after next week.

what you guys suggest to me? I am really afraid and in Panic because I don't want be illegal in this country and not loose my job because I have no VISA.

so what the implications I can have, be working with no valid visa? I really afraid and I am don't know what to do.

can some good soul help me? with some good information?

thank you.

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Joined: Sat May 14, 2016 9:32 am

Re: VISA expired

Post by jul1 » Sat Nov 25, 2017 12:51 am

ur daughter has to come back asap, to sort u out

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Re: VISA expired

Post by Alixlboy » Sat Nov 25, 2017 11:19 am

Don't worry and don't panic. You've already let the immigration know. The delay is from their side. However, You need to call your daughter, if you want to get the visa sooner rather than later. It says on the website clearly that you need to go to the immigration with the Irish Born child. If you cannot manage to do that, then wait until you hear from the Department of Justice. They might as well tell you to either call your daughter or go to the immigration office and get the Visa. So don't worry. A lot of people have to face delays from the Department of Justice. If it is the case that you have to tell your employer and update them about your visa status, that might be a problem then and you are definitely gonna have to call your daughter, so that you can get the visa as fast as possible and in that case, you don't even need to hear back from the DOJ (as far as I know).
