I am a self-employed Legal document writer (similar to Property Solicitor) applied from India along with 2 dependants - my wife (unemployed) and son (5 years old). My Sister and brother-in-law living in London are sponsoring our travel and accommodations for 2 months of our visit.
- I do not have a business registered/business bank account.
- But I maintain a separate current account (for business activities) and personal savings account.
Due to the nature of business (soliciting/documenting land/property transactions in India), I mostly get my fees and Government registration costs paid by cash.
- I normally deposit only the registration costs (expense) as cash in my current account and pay to the government accounts and handle my fees/commissions (profits) as cash, which is not accounted in the current accounts.
- Although there are many cash deposits (at least one per day) and multiple online payments to Government bank account for registration charges, there is no evidence of taking salary/dividends.
- I have submitted Income tax returns for the past 3 years for a gross income of 4-5 Lakh rupees (~5000 pounds) per year.
- I have also misunderstood the question about my annual earnings which I mentioned my income before tax, while the caseworker checked the income after tax.
- Can I reapply with the same supporting documents (current and personal statements), and explaining the nature of my business is mostly cash transactions?
- How should I explain my cash transactions and lack of evidence (in bank statements) for salary/dividends (although the tax returns shows these as income)? Will a letter from my accountant detailing my finance help?