by Londoner007 » Thu Mar 22, 2018 9:15 am
Very difficult to tell without knowing the whole case in detail and way beyond the scope of this forum to judge on such a sensitive case.
They may look at things like reason for breakup for marriage - i.e. if any domestic violence. Has the mother re-married, has she got a new partner and now settled etc etc. Apart from child what other private life has he established in UK?
They will ask about contact with child pre- dec 17. They will definitely look at his immigration history.
Judge probably would have seen it differently if he was on spouse visa and marriage broke down before FLR or ILR and of course a child being involved. But now he has no partner, no visa. Just the child. Judge may rule best interest of the child is to be with the mother and father is not required.
I cannot comment further at all as It is way beyond my limited knowledge of Human Rights claims etc, I do not want to comment any further and mislead - All I will say is all the best and lets hope there is a Just Judge who decides on the best outcome for the child who will be mostly affected here (which will be the priority anyway).
Verily, After Hardship Comes Ease