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Tier 4 to Tier 2 sponsored (high earner category)

Only for the UK Skilled Worker visas, formerly known as Tier 2 visa route

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Tier 4 to Tier 2 sponsored (high earner category)

Post by ksr11 » Fri May 25, 2018 7:58 pm

Hi, I hope you all are well. I had a question regarding switching in-country (UK) from Tier 4 student visa to a Tier 2 sponsored visa which would be eligible for the ‘high earner’ category

The facts are:

1. The exams and class work are finished but there is still a paper to be submitted for which the deadline is in September. The paper does not strictly require university attendance

2. A job offer has been secured and the employer is willing to sponsor a Tier 2 in the high earner category and wants the job to be started at the earliest possible date

I understand that to switch from Tier 4 to Tier 2 in country all research papers need to have been submitted and the university needs to provide a letter stating all exams and papers are done (though the results of the exams need not be mentioned in the letter - this change was introduced this year for Tier 4 to Tier 2)

My query is: as a research paper can be done on ones own time would it be possible to leave the U.K. and apply for a Tier 2 from outside the U.K. before submitting the research paper and coming back in on a Tier 2 and then submitting the research paper before the September deadline? The ‘high earner’ category of Tier 2 has some exemptions but I was wondering if anyone knew if the above would be possible to bring the start date forward by a couple of months?

If anyone has any insight would be very grateful to hear (while appreciating this forum is not for legal advice and so any input would be taken in that spirit). Thank you!
