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Missing entry Stamp

Forum to discuss all things Blarney | Ireland immigration

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Missing entry Stamp

Post by water_tank1 » Fri Jun 15, 2018 12:08 pm

Hi All

I wondered if someone can help me regarding a missing entry stamp from arrival into Ireland (Dublin)

We travelled back to Ireland on the 28th March and passed through immigration the same day.

I have noticed around a month ago that my Non EU wife didn't receive an entry stamp from the immigration officer. I contacted Border management in Dublin regarding this and they basically said that "it's not always necessary to receive a stamp and it's optional". I am worried about when we go to apply for citizenship that they will see a huge gap in entry stamps etc.

I luckily kept our itinerary and boarding passes from our flights into Dublin

Can anyone shed any light on this situation?

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Re: Missing entry Stamp

Post by IggyB » Fri Jun 15, 2018 12:52 pm

The Immigration departments within EU have your wife details already as they are getting flight manifest with all passengers names, passport details etc travelling within EU from airlines so they don't need to stamp your wife passport, even if you are missing a stamp this is easily obtain from the Immigration access point.

"The Minister for Justice, Equality and Defence, Mr. Alan Shatter, T.D., has signed Regulations transposing into Irish law an EU Directive requiring air carriers to provide advance passenger data to Irish Immigration authorities for the purposes of improving border control and combating illegal immigration.

The Regulations will apply to all inbound flights to Ireland from outside the EU and to all passengers on those flights. Implementation of the Regulations will require airlines to:

Provide data on passengers in advance of flights arriving in Ireland. The information to be provided is contained on the machine readable zone of passports
Transmit the data captured to the Irish Immigration authorities after the completion of a flight’s check-in."

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Re: Missing entry Stamp

Post by Rosay36 » Fri Jun 15, 2018 1:31 pm

I wouldn’t worry about that to be honest. I know someone who had a similar concern and she worried everyday until her application was approved within 6 months. At the end if it all it wasn’t worth the stress 😂 From the above reply, they have an advanced record of passengers who come in and leave through the port. So verifying a missing stamp on a passport will be as easy as eating cake.

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Re: Missing entry Stamp

Post by mrrobot » Fri Jun 15, 2018 2:12 pm

Don't worry about this at all.
They stopped obligatory stamping passports of those with GNIB last year.

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Re: Missing entry Stamp

Post by water_tank1 » Fri Jun 15, 2018 5:05 pm

Hey Guys,

Thanks for responding, i appreciate your time to reply :)

I feel relieved to hear that it's nothing to worry about.

Thanks again all.
