I am an Irish national, my husband a is non EU visa required national. We moved to Germany in April of this year and have received a one year residency card based on article 10. It was based on self sufficient via savings and health insurance.
We emailed europa and we're told we had to be here a minimum of 3 months living before I can return to Ireland. We plan to travel into Ireland using his German residency card, copy of directive and marriage cert in July (closer to the end).
My question is once i am in Ireland will i be applying as stamp 4 or eustamp4. I initially thought I would go there and start over i.e. look for work, get apartment, pps etc. Basically restart practicing eu treaty rights there and be recognized as an eu citizen not an Irish. But reading INIS website about the national immigration route they say this:
My husband is a visa required national but he will be able to enter with the residency card and be stamped for 90 days. So would he be under the '' visa required national and you are within the period of permission to remain granted to you on arrival in the State (except short stay ‘c’ visas)''. Would i then go to the garda get a stamp and have to prove is right to be in ireland is his 90 day based on a member eea state residency card. Or would I have to prove my ''COL'' here in Germany for the last 3 months - which has me worried as I used my Irish bank account for saving but haven't used it here brought cash with me so only have home contract, receipts and health insurance. Still have a month to try and collect more concrete document's as proof -pictures, library cards,events etc.A. If you are a non visa required national who has entered the State legally within the last 90 days or if you are a visa required national and you are within the period of permission to remain granted to you on arrival in the State (except short stay ‘c’ visas):, or if you have current permission to remain in the State on an alternative basis both you and your Irish national spouse/civil partner should attend at your local Garda National Immigration Bureau Registration office with the following documentation:
Your original marriage/civil partnership certificate
Your original passport
Your Irish spouse’s/civil partner’s original passport
Evidence of your joint address
All help would be appreciated.