I have few questions about filling an application for tier 2 general visa for my wife.
Current Situation:
I am an Indian citizen and the main visa holder (Tier 2 ICT) and current visa is till May 2020 and I am in UK from May 2015. My wife and 2 kids are with me in UK on Tier 2 ICT visa.
I want to switch to Tier 2 General visa and the only route that i found is if my wife get tier 2 general visa sponsored from someone and I with my kids switch to tier 2 general dependent. My wife is getting a sponsor so I have few questions.
General Questions:
- Is the above understanding is correct to switch to Tier 2 general visa?
For my wife as per my understanding as she is on tier 2 ICT to apply Tier 2 General, she need to apply from India? Is this correct?
- Our plan is to go to India together all 4 and apply for tier 2 general for her from India and after getting her visa apply for Tier 2 general dependent for myself and kids from UK. Is this correct and possible? Or can we apply from India as well for myself and kids after my wife gets the visa. What is advisable?
- Does she need to get the TB test done?
- What is the additional document I should attach to the application apart from , application form, bank statement, COS details, proof of english knowledge and covering letter?
Keeping the above in mind that she is in UK from last 3+ years on Tier 2 ICT, can you please answer the below specific questions?
- Residential address - She is residing with me in UK from last 3 years. Should we fill UK address or India address as applying from India? Based on this may be need to change duration of stay on the address
About spouse - Will they be travelling with you to the UK?
My plan is to travel together as stated above and apply on general dependent after that but I have my own tier 2 ICT visa. Should i say yes or no in above.
Dependant details - It says below can be added, don’t list spouse.As per our plan me and my kids need to apply as dependent visa later so should i add kids and spouse details or can only add kids here? Below is the text from form.
People financially dependent on you
Does anyone rely on you for financial support?
Include both those travelling with you and those who are not.(Required)
This could include:
children under 18
children over 18 who live with you at home
children who you look after all the time
older relatives who need you for accommodation or other support
Family in the UK - As we are living in UK already, should the application say Spouse in UK?
Accommodation details - As we already has a home rented should we give current home address or some hotel etc from a new application perspective?
Travel history UK
Do i need to show each entry if leave for holiday etc with the exact duration or the whole 3 years stay as 1 entry?