by Mrnew » Tue Sep 11, 2018 1:04 am
Hi my td got this reply today for my application is this a srandard reply or anything new & can i assume that my application is in final stage ?
i havent got 2nd stage letter yet .
Mr. ###### lodged an application for a certificate of Naturalisation with
the Citizenship Division of this Department on the 23rd of August 2017 .
This application is currently being processed with a view to establishing
whether the applicant meets the statutory conditions for the granting of naturalisation and will be submitted to the Minister for decision as expeditiously as possible
It is not possible to provide a definitive time-frame within which a particular application will be decided. The nature of the naturalisation process is such that for a broad range of reasons some cases will take longer than others to process. It is a statutory requirement that, interalia, applicants for naturalisation be of good character. In some instances that can be established relatively quickly and in other cases
completing the necessary checks can take a considerable period of time. As
a result there will always be a proportion of cases that take longer than
the norm to process.
Mr.###### will be contacted, in writing, as soon as a decision has been
We trust this is of assistance.