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Valid from date when trading licenses

This is an area for the discussion of matters related to issues about moving from one country to another. Examples could be about money transfer, moving and packing, validity of driving licence, etc..

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Valid from date when trading licenses

Post by alex98uk » Tue Oct 09, 2018 6:38 pm

My wife is driving on a full Chilean license which she received back in 2006. She is driving in the UK with it during the 1 year grace period, but must transfer to a UK license by January 2019.

However, with her UK license (a provisional for now), the "Valid from" is now going to be 2018 and as such, her insurance cost is much, much higher than with her Chilean license.

Does anyone know if upon passing the UK test, the UK license can somehow be back dated to when her Chilean license was received which indicates that she's not actually a new driver. Seems crazy that the same person cost hundreds more to insure one day to the next because they receive a UK license.
