We have our ILR (m) appointment tomorrow - I think I have everything covered but would people mind taking a look for peace of mind?
- Payment confirmation
- Appointment booking confirmation
- Checklist
- Completed application form
- Life in the UK Test Pass Certificate
- Marriage certificate
- Passport of applicant (old and current)
- Bio-metric permit of applicant
- Passport of sponsor (old and current)
- Photos required if applicant and sponsor
- Letter from my employer
- 6 months payslips (last pay was 31/10/18)
- Bank statements from 13/05/18 to 01/11/18 - showing the pay (does it matter that they don't run from 13/05/18 to 13/11/18?)
Current address
- Letter from Solicitor confirming house purchase
- Joint Official Copy of Land Registry Certificate
- Joint Council Tax Bills x 2
- Joint Water Bills x 2
- Joint Joint account bank statements x 2
Letter from Mortgage company and annual statement - joint
Current account bank statement x 2 - applicant
Current account bank statement x 2 - sponsor
Premium bonds correspondence - sponsor
Phone bill correspondence x 2 - applicant
Previous address Letter from parents confirming they were renting to us
Official copy of land registry certificate
Water bills x 2 - joint
Council tax bills x 2 - joint
Joint bank statement x 2
I have also made copies of all of the above Thank you for any feedback