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NI number on eea family permit

Use this section for any queries concerning the EU Settlement Scheme, for applicants holding pre-settled and settled status.

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NI number on eea family permit

Post by Vossie777123 » Sat Nov 10, 2018 12:40 pm

Hi there,

So I applied for my ni number on my eea family permit. It got refused. I read that one needs the residence permit. However the government is recommending we don't apply, because of the new online system...

We are seen as permanently settled as wife is Irish, and has full time job.

I know I can work anyway, but I want to start my own business. And want to pay tax and have everything legit, so as not to have problems down the line.

Do I just record all my activities and wait for the new system or do I apply for the old permit?

Thank you.

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Re: NI number on eea family permit

Post by secret.simon » Sat Nov 10, 2018 5:58 pm

Vossie777123 wrote:
Sat Nov 10, 2018 12:40 pm
We are seen as permanently settled as wife is Irish, and has full time job.
Errr, no, not "we". Your Irish citizen wife is considered settled on arrival for certain purposes, such as if any children are born to her in the UK, they are automatically British citizens, etc.

However, you are not considered settled until you acquire PR after five years of residence in the UK as the spouse of an EEA citizen who is exercising treaty rights in the UK. Your wife's settlement in UK law does not equate to PR for the purposes of EU law and she is expected to exercise treaty rights for five years in order for you to acquire PR.

You may want to look at reapplying for an NI number, enclosing the same evidence that you would if you were applying for a Residence Card (marriage certificate, proof of your wife's Irish citizenship and that she is currently working in the UK). Or apply for a Residence Card anyway (it is only £65) and then apply for an NI Number with the CoA stating your right to work in the UK.
I am not a lawyer or immigration advisor. My statements/comments do not constitute legal advice. E&OE. Please do not PM me for advice.

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South Africa

Re: NI number on eea family permit

Post by Vossie777123 » Sun Nov 11, 2018 5:54 pm

Ah OK. Thank you so much for your reply.

I worded it incorrectly. I meant she's seen as a qualified person. You're 100% right.

Yeah you are right, probably best to just apply.

Thank you again.
