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Spouse Visa Extension

Family member & Ancestry immigration; don't post other immigration categories, please!
Marriage | Unmarried Partners | Fiancé | Ancestry

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Spouse Visa Extension

Post by 10308412 » Wed Jan 09, 2019 10:56 pm


I hope someone can help me with my queries.

I am going to apply for my spouse visa extension shortly and would like to know if

1. adding my wife as a shareholder in the company of 50% impact my application? i alone meet the requirements though, and i am not intending to add her for the purpose of application.

2. my company had a different name previous when i registered it, and later changed it to a different name, i now have two incorporation certificates, the original and name change, how do i explain this in my application so that the case worker can easily understand this? I do not want to complicate it

my last two applications:

1. home office mixed my company with another company which was dissolved because the current company had a similar name to a dissolved company which was also mine, hence they said both companies are same, when they weren't.

2. they refused my initial spouse visa because they couldn't find my wife's company i then had to appeal and it got overturned, they said in the refusal letter that the company doesn't show up on companieshouse, which is why this time i want to make sure they understand.

This time, i want to make sure they understand this, can anyone suggest how best to put application together to cover the name change which is relevant to this application so they understand it easily.

