Hi Guys, I am on Tier-1 general migrant and it is due renewal on 23rd July 2012. I started employment in UK on 7th Feb 2011.
There is a criteria for earning points for Employment where you will have to provide employment of 12 consecutive months with the last 15 months. I checked the form today and there is a section where it is asking to put the start date and end date of employment.
Now, my last working day with last employer was 23rd Feb 2012 and I have joined the new employer today(27th Feb 2012). Clearly there is a gap of just 1 day (24th Feb 2012). I have the payslip of the last employer and will get the same from the current employer for March for sure.
Will this 1 day employment gap (on 24th Feb, friday) affect my extension? I talked my new manager and he said he can issue a letter with a justification. Should I really bother about this 1 day factor even though there will be a continuity of my employment on a month basis!!!
Please help me guys - please reply at -