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PEO office Sheffield (Got Extension)

Archived UK Tier 1 (General) points system forum. This route no longer exists.

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PEO office Sheffield (Got Extension)

Post by iuk_netizen » Thu Mar 15, 2012 3:19 pm

Hello Everyone,

Thank you very much for all your help which I got through this wonderful website. I have got the extension on 13th March 2012.
Let me share my first PEO experience.

PEO office – Sheffield
Appointment Time – 9 am
Applicant – 1 Dependent - 3

1. I reached PEO office at 8.30 am. There is normal security check (like the airport check) at entrance.
2. Entered the office (its in the ground floor only). Lots of counters like in banks.
3. Counter number 7 is the reception. Receptionist was very nice and asked about my appointment and my name. Gave her the copy of my appointment. Gave me a token number in a small piece of paper. Asked me to wait. -> took 5 minutes
4. I waited about 10 - 15 mins and my number was called to counter 6 (which was common for paper verification for all).
5. This lady was very professional. Asked for my form and supporting documents. Checked how am I going to pay, and the photos are ok. Put all documents in a folder (their own folder), arranged them in their predefined order and gave the folder back to me. Asked me to pay the fee in the payment counter. -> took 10 mins
6. Payment counter was counter 8. The lady was again very nice and smiling face. I paid by visa debit card and she asked me to wait for Biometric. -> took 10 minutes
NOTE: There is a clear note of payment window from Natwest ‘’ Natwest Credit or Debit card transaction for £1000 and over will require security authentication.’’ And I saw there is a phone line in the payment counter, cordless is given to the applicant to speak to Natwest and clear the transaction.
7. By 09.35 this was all done. I waited about 15 mins before I was called for Biometric. Counter 9-11 (in a different direction) are for Biometric only. Mine was counter 9.
8. Lady asked 2 questions: Did I use any other name for myself before? Did I have any fingerprint scanning in the initial application?
Answer= YES. Signed a form which had these 2 questions. Gave my fingerprints and then a photo of my face. Scanned my passport and took the folder with him. After we all finished biometric she asked us to wait in the lounge, as my caseworker will come to a counter and speak to me when my turn comes. -> 15 min
9. By 10.05 all these done and waited another 10 mins before my caseworker appeared in counter 4 and called my number.
10. I must say, caseworker was very nice to me. He said, my biometric result will come shortly, and he hopes to give a decision in 2 hours time, if I want I can take a break and come back. I said I will be here in an hour anyway, please let me know if you need anything.
11. Went out for an hour and came back 11.30. We waited an hour after which he arrived at the same counter.
12. I must stress the point the caseworker was really nice and relaxed without an expression on face. Gave me the decision in affirmative and explained about the biometric (will arrive in 7 days etc etc). I did not ask any questions but was just happy, but still he said, I have granted you 2 years from 14 Apr the date of our visa expiry and BRP will arrive within 7 days. Gave all my supporting documents back except the letter from employer explaining salary and difference of 20p in the month of june. Thanked him for his help.
13. Thats it! By 12.10 I was out and happy!

Documents I produced:

1. Cover Letter (as per this forums sticky thread)

2. Application Form– Extension for Leave to Remain Tier1 (General)
with 2x Photographs (Name and dob written on back side)

3. Point Based Calculator from UKBA website

Age: Claimed 20

4. Original Passport

Earning:Claimed 30

Source1: Employer
5. Last 11 months Original Pay Slips from Employer

Source2: Bank
6. Bank Statement for period covering last 11 months: A4 size x10 pages (printed both sides) in Bank stationery with Logo in front side. Highlighted salary transaction.

7. Letter from employer explaining the monthly gross and net amount and also the date & amount deposited in bank.

8. Another Letter from Employer explaining the difference of £0.20 in june payslip and bank statement.

Education: Claimed 30

Previously provided for initial tier1G application, not producing anything this time.

UK experience: claimed 5

Same as the previous earning section

English: Claimed 10

Degree taught in English. Not producing any document this time. Same as initial Tier 1 G application.

Maintenance: claimed 10

same bank statement as in Previous Earning
9. Letter from bank.

For Dependents:

1. Application with 2 photos
2. Passport
3. Marriage Certificate

1. Dependent Application
2. Passport
3. Birth Certificate

1. Dependent Application
2. Passport
3. Birth Certificate

Thanks and all the best for others.
