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Spouse Visa maintenance requirement for the settlement visa

Family member & Ancestry immigration; don't post other immigration categories, please!
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Spouse Visa maintenance requirement for the settlement visa

Post by newlight1 » Sat Mar 24, 2012 12:00 am

Hello everyone,

This is a little far in advacnce of things but something I need to think about and discover.

I am in receipt of the lower rate contribution-based Employment and Support Allowance but may go up at a later date. I live with my parents at the moment due to my disability which stopped me from working, have been working a number of years hence being entilited to the "Contribution-based" ESA.

1) Now my questions are when it comes to the maintenance requirement for the settlement visa I will apply with me being most probably on ESA, living with my parents but my parents are willing to sponsor her and will allow us to live there as long as we need and they own their property. I have a small amount of savings, no where near £10,000. I don't have any debt and neither does she. Do you think we might have a problem with this area of the visa?

2) If I have my own place before she arrives and get the rent/council tax paid for and am still in receipt of ESA and she arrives, will they stop any of my housing benefit/council tax or ESA?

3) My parents were also worried about if her and I split up and they sponsored her, would the lost their savings, or if she got into any debt they would be responsible or they would have to support her for the rest of her life in the UK? My parents are retired.

4) Will the fact that she is from Albania rather than somewhere like the US make it harder to fufill the maintenance requirement?

5) If I ask a solicitor for help will I be entitled to Legal Aid for help with her visa in terms of does legal aid cover this type of thing?

Thanks in advance
