pari9990 wrote:The visa was refused guys on the basis that we didn't have genuine relationship. Whereas nothing much was asked in the interview I was in india for nearly 2 months we visited different places together did gave them the proof. We had marriage certificate wedding photos and previous photos attached utility bills etc. I gave calling cards they said it doesn't proof that you use to call him as well as watsapp chat which I copy pasted but you cant get a professional printout of wats app can you. They need more proof of our relationship. I am so pissed on interview they didn't asked him anything. We talk on Skype who will call india directly withou call cards its bloody expensive. We talk for atleat 4 hours a day after my work its not possible for me to call india directly. I knew they would object on this ground because all other requirements were met. Cant wait to see my other half in Christmas holidays probably will go to india. I applied for my mums visa so she could come and stay with me I feel so depressed she has been to uk before so hopefully she will get the visa. Any suggestions most welcome whats the next step. Thanks
If your solicitor specialises in immigration, he should have known that calling cards are not accepted by UKVI and this has been the case for soooooo many years at least.
My wife and I only used whatsapp and viber for communicating with one another. No Skype/videos calls, no Facebook, no direct calling except for maybe once or twice and both calls lasted less than 10 mins.
Whatsapp let's you email the entire chat log in text format to yourself. That's what I did and then printed it off. At the top by hand I wrote, 'WHATSAPP CHAT LOG'. That's it, nothing professional, just simple text. With viber I took screenshots of the call logs and pasted 4 screenshots per page in MS Word and printed them.
Plus no interview and no solicitor used.