by Sutops » Mon Jul 04, 2016 11:33 am
Dear experts, I am very confused with questions Section 7 of the form if you can help or share your experience/expertise...
1. In question 7.2 - Although we have 2 children only one child is included in this FLR application (the other child, as he was born in UK, will be registered as British citizen) . Therefore my wife should tick 'applying with one dependant, shouldn't she?
2. My wife is a housewife, and the family income comes from my employment. Assuming we can select 'applying with one dependant' in question 7.2, my gross annual wage is above the threshold. We both also have savings but the amount is much less than the limit set in section 7.3E (£16k). Should we also include savings to meet the financial requirement? If we should then should we tick category E box in question 7.3 and complete question 7.3E?
3. Unclear about question (vii) in the table of question 7.3A (income from salaried employment): 12 months prior to this application I was already in my current employment. Should I put the date of my previous employment – which has ended more than 3 years ago?
3. For section 7.3A- I have been working in my current employment from Feb 2013 until now. Should I leave blank for question (viii) in the table at question 7.3A? Or in other words : is question (viii) relate to question (vii)?
4. In relation to above question – for question (xiii) of the same table – should I mention my job title in my previous employment – which, once again, has finished more than 3 years ago?
5. Is the box at the end of question 7.3 (Total amount) for the sum of my annual salary+our savings?
Thanks in advance for your help (for me this form definitely needs to be redesigned - the logical flow in filling out this document is not clear...)