I am so flattered at having such a devoted follower as you. Almost all your posts are comments on mine, so you must be following me very closely indeed.
lurli wrote:The likes of Secret-simon (Google warrior) and some of his or her mates...
I appreciate your effort at gender-neutral language.
lurli wrote:The commission document means nothing until at least UK votes to remain a member of the EU, and as far as I am aware a vote on that is yet to take place.
Page 2 of that document suggests that the document has already been voted on, approved (by unanimity, I believe) and would come into force automatically on the UK government notifying the EU authorities that it is remaining in the EU. Certain parts of the document are incumbent on the European Commission bringing forward proposals for amending the relevant directives, which may take a while, but as I understand it, the document takes legal effect immediately on the UK government's notification.
Richard W wrote:secret.simon wrote:
European Council decision of 19th February 2016 states, inter alia,
In accordance with Union law, Member States are able to take action to...address cases of contracting or maintaining marriages of convenience with third country nationals for the purpose of making use of free movement as a route for regularising unlawful stay in a Member State...
This is one of the clarifications that only come into effect if the UK votes to remain in the EU.
lurli wrote:the context of commission document which is yet to become law?
As I understand it, the clarification is only restating existing law, not creating new law and hence does not need to be enacted, but is already law, irrespective of the outcome of the referendum. Hence, my quotation from the document.
lurli wrote:to think most of you are immigrants before you begged to be granted citizenship in this country.
That is probably the reason why we care for this country, because we are citizens now.
lurli wrote:This forum is becoming so annoying with members like these
I agree. It is so inconvenient and irritating to have somebody disagreeing with you or the consensus in a discussion. So much better if everybody went in only one direction, like a well-behaved herd to the slaughter.
lurli wrote:Little people.
When I was younger, "Little Women" and "Little Men" by
Louisa May Alcott were some of my favourite books to read. They must be available in any good public library. I would highly recommend them to you.
I am not a lawyer or immigration advisor. My statements/comments do not constitute legal advice. E&OE. Please do not PM me for advice.