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klite12 wrote:Hi guys,
I'm a British Citizen and I am engaged to a girl who lives in Pakistan, we've been engaged for almost 3 years now and intend on getting married come April 2017. If it's relevant, I live in Glasgow, Scotland.
I recently also started University, however took a gap-year to meet the financial requirement of £18,600. In order to do this I am going to be working two jobs, one full-time and one part-time. In total my yearly salary (combining both jobs) would be equal to; £22,990.
I have a few questions revolving this which I am having difficulty finding information on.
1) Come September 2017, I wish to resume my studies in University. Hopefully by then my wife would have had a spouse-visa arranged, now of course while I am at University, I can't work two jobs. Would my wife be able to work alongside me to meet the financial requirement of £18,600? Or is it solely reliant on the sponsor to meet the threshold. Yes she can work and if she meets the threshold, she can use her earnings for her extension. YOU are required to meet it solely for the initial entry clearance spouse visa.
2) Is the financial requirement of £18,600 required to renew a spouse visa after 33 months? If so, can both of our incomes count towards it? Or just solely mine. See my answer to #1 above.
3) What evidence would be considered proof of our relationship. We have photos of our engagement, videos of the engagement ceremony and whatnot. I also have recent WhatsApp messages/logs, alongside messages on an application called 'Between' including pictures and whatnot we sent each other. We do use skype aswell, however Skype after several months of not using it resets. We usually speak through WhatsApp calls however for some reason I don't have our call log, the earliest log I have is for September 2016, however the messages can go back all the way to a year and maybe more. Assuming you are applying after the wedding, you wouldn't need too much proof of communication. Also, proof of visits, air tickets, hotel bookings can also work.
4) Is there any other evidence that is strongly suggested that I include? I cannot mess this up as I can't miss out on another year of University. I am incredibly anxious about this and would just want it resolved as soon as possible. Read the guidance notes for VAF4A and see also the two links below as the process from Pakistan is slightly different to other countries.
http://www.immigrationboards.com/immigr ... 93554.html
http://www.immigrationboards.com/immigr ... 06101.html
5) My payment schedules are a bit weird, I don't know if it'd cause a problem as I am due to start my new job on November 7th, but I get paid for my full-time job around the middle of each month, and my part-time job at the end of each month. One is a monthly-pay schedule and the other 4-weekly. If the monthly payments do not add up to £1550 (or more), although I still meet the £18,600 threshold, is there any other form of income proof I can provide? I am not sure, and stand to be corrected, but if you are relying on two jobs, I think you might need 12 months income proof.
I really appreciate any feedback and advice given, thanks a lot.
Should be fine. Is the property owned by your parents?klite12 wrote:Another question I had was in regards to the accommodation. I've read the overcrowding guidelines but didn't understand it clearly.
I live in a two bedroom flat with my parents, we've been here around 15 years. We've recently got the whole flat re-done. My mum and dad will have their own room, and me and my wife will have our room. There is one bathroom in the house.
Is this sufficient enough? Would we be penalized on this?
Yes, they own the property.CR001 wrote:Should be fine. Is the property owned by your parents?klite12 wrote:Another question I had was in regards to the accommodation. I've read the overcrowding guidelines but didn't understand it clearly.
I live in a two bedroom flat with my parents, we've been here around 15 years. We've recently got the whole flat re-done. My mum and dad will have their own room, and me and my wife will have our room. There is one bathroom in the house.
Is this sufficient enough? Would we be penalized on this?
That all can be arranged in regards to the property. Is the size fine? It's a two bedroom flat, for two couples. My mum and dad, and my Wife and I. Each has their own bedroom. No one else.CR001 wrote:Once your wife has her initial entry clearance visa and is in the UK, she can work. For the future extension application, both incomes can be used to meet the financial requirement.
I will have to do some more reading on the income from two jobs and post back. Hopefully someone else will also respond.
Property wise, you will need a cop of the title deeds/register, proof of council tax and a letter from your parents.
Great, please keep me posted on the 12-month statements or 6-month. It's really vital for me and is making me incredibly anxious. I made a post about it aswell with more information here: http://www.immigrationboards.com/immigr ... l#p1418053CR001 wrote:Property should be ok.
That's great news! Thank you very much. So with two jobs, I can apply under CAT A.CR001 wrote:See section 5 and specifically 5.6 in the link below. It appears 6 months should be ok. As I said, I stand to be corrected.
https://www.gov.uk/government/uploads/s ... rement.pdf
I'll be hiring a lawyer most likely to do all the paper-work related things, but as long as I can be eligible for Category A with two jobs, that's perfect. You've all been immensely helpful. Thank you.walker wrote:Have a look at the VAF4A Appendix 2 Form.
The section/page which relates to employment for you (Part 3A, Page 6) will need to be completed for both jobs. Provide further information/explanation in the space provided at the end of the form and in your covering letter.
Gross salary is what is counted to meet the threshold of £18,600.
Property should be fine - would recommend a Property Inspection Report/Accommodation Certificate to be provided with your application together with a letter from the owner of the property giving you both permission to live at the property.
Also, due to the time you are expecting to apply, your 2016/2017 P60 would also assist with your application.
Yes.klite12 wrote:Guys, sorry if this sounds silly.
But is it still fine if I work two jobs with different companies? So I am employed at for example say Asda and Capita. Would this be fine for Category A?
This really sounds stupid as I type this but, it's always best to double check.
Thanks.Casa wrote:Yes.klite12 wrote:Guys, sorry if this sounds silly.
But is it still fine if I work two jobs with different companies? So I am employed at for example say Asda and Capita. Would this be fine for Category A?
This really sounds stupid as I type this but, it's always best to double check.
CR001 wrote:If you have variable income, HO will take the lowest monthly amount and multiply that by 12 to calculate the financial requirement. The key is to make sure you get a minimum of £1550 EVERY month.
Of course, however I imagine the lawyer could guide me on what I need, if my documents are sufficient etc. I imagine as long as all my documentation and evidence is correct that there will be no problem.CR001 wrote:I think it is £400 or £450 for priority service but there is no guarantee that it will be processed quicker. A lawyer also does not guarantee success, they have no sway with HO decisions.
See also this detailed explanation for Spouse visa from Pakistan (click)