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birth certificat names don't match

A section for posts relating to applications for Naturalisation or Registration as a British Citizen. Naturalisation

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birth certificat names don't match

Post by simonc591 » Mon Mar 20, 2017 2:47 pm

(meant to post this as a new subject, but accedently posted it as a followup to a previous question, hence the repost)


I'm helping my mother-in-law establish she is a UK citizen by descent so that her daughters (one with ILR in the UK, and one not living in the UK but wants to do so) can become UK Citizens otherwise than by descent.

MiL was born in the Turks and Ciacos around 1952.

MiL's T&C birth certificate has the 3 fore-names in it.
H.... B.... D.... Ro............
MiL's old T&C passport has 2 fore-names in it
B..... D..... Ro.......

Daughter 1's birth certificate (issued by the Bahamas) has for Mothers Name
D..... Ro.........

Dauther 2's birth certificate (issued by the Bahamas) has a Mothers Name of
B.... D..... Ro.......

MiL has not currently applied for a UK passport.
My understanding is that Daughter 1 & 2 can use form UKM to apply to register.

What problems are the missing fore-names likely to cause, and what other evidence should we try to gather and present with the application ?


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Re: birth certificat names don't match

Post by CR001 » Mon Mar 20, 2017 2:53 pm

Your topics were merged. No need to start a new one.

british-citizenship/birth-certificat-na ... 27406.html
Char (CR001 not Casa)
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