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Moderators: Casa, archigabe, CR001, push, JAJ, ca.funke, Amber, zimba, vinny, Obie, EUsmileWEallsmile, batleykhan, meself2, geriatrix, John, ChetanOjha, Administrator
If I were you, I'd spend some extra money to get proper statements. We shell out so much money on our visas etc for UKBA it would be a shame if the immigration officer (although being totally unreasonable) question the paper quality and it becomes an issue for him/her to reject your application. In short, dont worry about 10/20 quid mate - consider it as us paying our dues! (speaking from experience and not a "Formal" advice)egoneo wrote:The reason i ask is it would cost some money and time to order the official ones and send them. This seems like a futile exercise giving what i mentioned above, but still an option.
Agree with you SinghMohit.. I kind of rushed through the docs but if at any point of confusion, actuals can be sent.singhmohit wrote:If I were you, I'd spend some extra money to get proper statements. We shell out so much money on our visas etc for UKBA it would be a shame if the immigration officer (although being totally unreasonable) question the paper quality and it becomes an issue for him/her to reject your application. In short, dont worry about 10/20 quid mate - consider it as us paying our dues! (speaking from experience and not a "Formal" advice)egoneo wrote:The reason i ask is it would cost some money and time to order the official ones and send them. This seems like a futile exercise giving what i mentioned above, but still an option.
@Kashif_Hussain, any reason why you are posting under two different names?Kashif_Hussain wrote:HO means original documents !
Option 1: Order paper statements ( those should be free ).
Option 2: Get those printed statements stamped by the bank.