by Zach93 » Fri Apr 21, 2017 6:09 am
I believe the only difference in cat A and cat B other than the 6 months and 12 months pay slips, is the calculation method.
Under Category, A six month worth of pay slip would be required totalling to a 9300, therefore, each month a min of 1550(for salaried employment). Whilst for Category B, 12 months worth of pay slips totalling to an 18600.
there are two types of calculation, under category A which is influenced by types of employment(salaried and non-salaried).
salaried, 9300/6 =1550
Non-salaried, 26 cumulative weekly payments(totalling of 6 months period) divide 6 months multiple by 12.
for eg, 26 x (360) / 6 x 12=18720.
I know it is not mentioned in the guidance whether it is possible to merge both salaried and non-salaried payments. I think the division between the calculation is to achieve an accurate period of 6 months. note that for salaried employment, it is on a monthly basis(30 to 31 days). whilst for non-salaried(usually paid per week(7days) or every four weeks (28 days),
hence the calculation takes 26 weeks(26x7=182 days) in the guidance instead of 6 months x 4 weeks = 24 weeks, to make up for the loss days(30-28= 2days, 31-28=3 days, 2 or 3 days over a period of 6 months would give another 2 weeks(2+3+2+3+2+3=15 days or 3+2+3+2+3+2=15days). therefore this leads me to the conclusion that mathematically, by just adding both salaries up will not conform to the 6 months period required. unless your non-salaried payments are paid monthly, I don't think it is possible to combine.
"if i earn 1500 one month ( through overtime) but earn 1050 the next month ( not get my contracted hours this month) will this matter as 1050+450=1500 therfore 50 pound under the 1550 a month threshold..."
if I am correct that it is not possible to combine the two jobs due to the different type of employment, therefore this will fall short of the required 1550 for category A salaried employment.]
"Or will not matter as i have earned 1500+450 =1950 the month they work out an average over the six months or does both job have to eqal 1550 combined EVERY month regardless of how much overtime you do the month after to make up for it"
the calculation of averaging only applies to non-salaried employment if I'm correct.
quoting from the appendix fm, "If necessary, to meet the level of the financial requirement applicable to the application, a person in salaried or non-salaried employment with the current employer for 6 months or more at the date of application can add to this:" note that the guidance uses "or" and not "and" in any instances.
hope this helps. do confirm with others.