by rk_niu1981 » Fri May 19, 2017 4:04 pm
Dear friends
Sorry to start another thread as I am not sure if I can continue in the topic I started this morning.
I have just applied for my citizenship a week ago, and I am applying to renew my wife and my daughter’s tier 1 general dependant visas.
Please could you help me in filling out Online Tier 1 dependant application form.
I started filling the application online and these are few queries I have please let me know your feedback:
The person you are joining or accompanying
I provided my details for this.
Which visa or permission to stay has I applied for or been granted?
There is no option for me to select ILR, so I chose Tier 1 General visa.
Do I have one of the home office reference numbers?
I gave my ILR BRP number, is that fine?
Applicant 1: My wife details
Are you currently a dependant of a points based migrant? I said YES, is this right as I am on ILR now
Applicant 2: My daughter details
Are you currently a dependant of a points based migrant? I said YES, is this right as I am on ILR now
Following two options are available to choose, shall the pick the second one as I am not an applicant. Please could you let me know.
1. I am an applicant and I am authorised to act on behalf of the other applicants and have discussed and confirmed the contents of this application with them
2. I am a representative of the applicants and have been authorised to act on their behalf and have discussed and confirmed the contents of this application with them