by SimonS » Fri May 19, 2017 11:56 am
Hi AES90,
good idea. There has been a lot of debate on this site about the topic recently and I for one, am feeling a little uneasy. Charging an additional 33% for a service that is not delivered or where the goal posts are continuously shifted would not be tolerated in any other enterprise and I find it astonishing.
We applied with priority, from Russia on 19th April. We received email correspondence end of April stating decision will be witihn 12 weeks. Since then we've not been officially advised of any delay other than the various threads here and we have had no decision. I'm trying to remain calm and confident but I suspect that will change if I've heard nothing back by this time next week!
I don't think it helps that when you go onto the site and check visa processing times from a specific jurisdiction and VAC they vary greatly. Out of interest, I compared Pakistan to Russia yesterday and found considerable differences in the guidance.
That led me to wonder whether they have a dedicated team of ECO for specific geographical regions and are simply overloaded in certain areas. This may make some sense. Certainly there is an apparent disconnect in the information coming out of Sheffield that is shared here.
I think it may be quite useful if everybody that posts to this thread mentions where and when they applied. That would paint a picture of whether it's a general trend or specific to a particular geography or circumstance.
Good Luck