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Appeal allowed but HO asking for permission to appeal to

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Appeal allowed but HO asking for permission to appeal to

Post by matildaolango » Sun Jul 16, 2017 12:54 am

Hi everyone
I need adivice or someone who's passed through this situation.
Recently my appeal was allowed under article 8 with my British child..third one although the first two children who r now 9 and 6 arent documented but born here...the home office are niw asking for permission to appeal. How long does it take..and how far are they willing to take so tired and sometimes suicidal..very bad living conditions awith no benefit whatsoever..please advice

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Re: Appeal allowed but HO asking for permission to appeal to

Post by Obie » Sun Jul 16, 2017 3:32 pm

No need to be stressed or suicidal. It will do no harm to Home Office if you did that. The only people that will be affected will be your children.

If you have a British Child, and giving Home Office Policy, the case law, and Zambrano, the case of SF, they will be refused anyway.

The option will be open to you, to write to the tribunal and ask that the permission to appeal be expedited to give you finality.

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Re: Appeal allowed but HO asking for permission to appeal to

Post by doctorsholly » Mon Jul 17, 2017 8:34 pm

Don't worry You don't have to worry, your child gives you a strong chance. @obie pls I would like to ask, is it possible to ask the tribunal to expedite permission to appeal ? I have been waiting almost 6 months. Hope to read from u soon . Thanks.

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Re: Appeal allowed but HO asking for permission to appeal to

Post by CR001 » Mon Jul 17, 2017 8:50 pm

doctorsholly wrote:Don't worry You don't have to worry, your child gives you a strong chance. @obie pls I would like to ask, is it possible to ask the tribunal to expedite permission to appeal ? I have been waiting almost 6 months. Hope to read from u soon . Thanks.
Please ask your questions in your own topic rather than asking in someone else's, it is considered rude and is unfair to the OP of this topic.
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Re: Appeal allowed but HO asking for permission to appeal to

Post by doctorsholly » Mon Jul 17, 2017 10:06 pm

Sorry don't mean to be rude.
