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Welcome to immigrationboards.com!
Moderators: Casa, archigabe, CR001, push, JAJ, ca.funke, Amber, zimba, vinny, Obie, EUsmileWEallsmile, batleykhan, meself2, geriatrix, John, ChetanOjha, Administrator
UKCISA - England: fee status wrote:In order to qualify for 'home' fees under this category, you must meet all of the following criteria:
(a) on the first day of the first academic year of the course, you must either be:
(i) under the age of 18 and have lived in the UK throughout the seven-year period preceding the first day of the first academic year of the course; or
(ii) aged 18 years old or above and, preceding the first day of the first academic year of the course, have lived in the UK throughout either:and
- (aa) half your life; or
(bb) a period of twenty-years;
(b) you must be ordinarily resident in the UK on the first day of the first academic year of the course; and
(c) you must have been ordinarily resident in the UK and Islands throughout the three-year period preceding the first day of the first academic year of the course; and
This comment is not necessary. We are not here to judge anyone who posts asking for advice.blondesafari wrote:Seriously... you have no status, and you want free education?
Because you currently have no legal status, you do not have lawful residence and consequently you are not "ordinarily resident" either in Scotland or in the UK. Therefore you are not eligible for home fees anywhere in the UK.koolkate wrote:currently I have no status because I was an overstayer
Moved to 'General Immigration' sub forum.secret.simon wrote:As an aside, is this forum (Immigration for family members) the correct one for a question of this nature or would it sit better in the "Claiming Benefits" or "General UK Immigration" forums?
It's Britain's Colonial past, apparently we have to pay for it now because of all the trouble we caused.blondesafari wrote:Yes, of course we are, but when something is totally ridiculous, are we not permitted to comment? It is taxpayers money after all, and I am a taxpayer, when someone who has no status (illegal) wants the British taxpayer to fund their education, you're saying I am not permitted to have an opinion? I'm sorry, but I am an immigrant, who has used these boards for information to complete my process of becoming a British citizen, and feel aggrieved that someone would think of taking advantage of the system and is part of the reason that people have a problem with immigration. Are you saying we are not supposed to express an honest opinion here?
The EU last year lol!!blondesafari wrote:So, when do the colonies start taking responsibility for their present day actions? Remind me when the last colony became independent?
Not disagreeing with you, but you don't have to express the opinion publicly. Some members could be offended, especially as this member has been in the HO system for a couple of years now with a pending application and asking a really simple question. We are here to help all who post for advice, regardless of their circumstances.blondesafari wrote:Yes, of course we are, but when something is totally ridiculous, are we not permitted to comment? It is taxpayers money after all, and I am a taxpayer, when someone who has no status (illegal) wants the British taxpayer to fund their education, you're saying I am not permitted to have an opinion? I'm sorry, but I am an immigrant, who has used these boards for information to complete my process of becoming a British citizen, and feel aggrieved that someone would think of taking advantage of the system and is part of the reason that people have a problem with immigration. Are you saying we are not supposed to express an honest opinion here?
Seriously?! Read my question before jumping to conclusions! I asked if I have to pay home fees or international fees! I never said anything about free education which is thorough SAAS in Scotland btw and nor have I thought about applying for it because I know I am not eligible for it. You are an immigrant yourself you should know better than to comment like that without knowing the facts and insulting people.blondesafari wrote:Seriously... you have no status, and you want free education?
Thank you CR001, I've been nothing but honest with the college and on this forum. I am glad there are good people like you on this forum to help people like us. Some people just completely change once they get their immigration matter sorted and think everyone else is beneath them.CR001 wrote:Not disagreeing with you, but you don't have to express the opinion publicly. Some members could be offended, especially as this member has been in the HO system for a couple of years now with a pending application and asking a really simple question. We are here to help all who post for advice, regardless of their circumstances.blondesafari wrote:Yes, of course we are, but when something is totally ridiculous, are we not permitted to comment? It is taxpayers money after all, and I am a taxpayer, when someone who has no status (illegal) wants the British taxpayer to fund their education, you're saying I am not permitted to have an opinion? I'm sorry, but I am an immigrant, who has used these boards for information to complete my process of becoming a British citizen, and feel aggrieved that someone would think of taking advantage of the system and is part of the reason that people have a problem with immigration. Are you saying we are not supposed to express an honest opinion here?
If you don't like or agree with a post or what a poster is asking, for whatever reason, then perhaps refrain from posting a comment.
Lets kindly keep this topic on track and not wander down the road of the faults of the previous colonies.
koolkate wrote:Seriously?! Read my question before jumping to conclusions! I asked if I have to pay home fees or international fees! I never said anything about free education which is thorough SAAS in Scotland btw and nor have I thought about applying for it because I know I am not eligible for it. You are an immigrant yourself you should know better than to comment like that without knowing the facts and insulting people.So please refrain from jumping on your high horse and commenting in the future before knowing the facts fully.blondesafari wrote:Seriously... you have no status, and you want free education?