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Government funded childcare
Children age 3 and 4 - 15 hours free childcare
In England, all children of age three and four are entitled to 570 hours of free childcare or early education each year, which must be taken over at least 38 weeks, for example, 15 hours per week for 38 weeks of the year. This can be provided to children in NRPF households.
Children age 3 and 4 - 30 hours free childcare
From September 2017, parents who are working and earning on average at least £120 per week will be able to apply for an additional 570 hours of free childcare each year. Children may also be eligible if a parent is on maternity, paternity or adoption leave, or unable to work due to a disability or caring responsibilities.
A parent who has leave to remain with the NRPF condition cannot apply for this additional childcare. However if they have a partner who is entitled to apply who does have recourse to public funds then they may make the application instead.