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FLP (m) now married

Family member & Ancestry immigration; don't post other immigration categories, please!
Marriage | Unmarried Partners | Fiancé | Ancestry

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FLP (m) now married

Post by Letit » Wed Nov 15, 2017 12:50 am

Hi I originally applied to the home office under the FLP(M) I was with my partner whom I have a child with. Since then our relationship has broken down and she decided she no longer wanted to stay together. I have now meet someone else who is also British and we would like to get married.

As I have already been granted a 2.5 year extended stay from my childs mother, if I were to get married to someone other than her would this effect my current extention.

Once I marry my fiancee what application would I have to submit firstly, secondly would I have to wait until my current extension is expiredbefore submitting this application and thirdly would I be asked to leave the UK for my wife to apply for me because I have made an application due to marriage.

Thank you

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Re: FLP (m) now married

Post by vinny » Wed Nov 15, 2017 7:11 am

They may curtail your leave if they know your circumstances have changed. They may also be cancel your leave on entry if you travel and attempt to return.

I think you have two choices under Appendix FM

1. Apply for leave as a parent.
2. Apply for leave as a spouse, if you manage to get married without being detained and removed.
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Re: FLP (m) now married

Post by Letit » Wed Nov 15, 2017 7:20 am

So if they curtail my current status does that mean I would have to leave the UK as my status is no longer valid and if I were to marry my current partner could we get married here or would we have to get married in Ghana were i am from, what are the options I have if I do marry my current partner would we be able to apply for the spouse option and would I have to leave the UK to apply or could I stay whilst my wife and I submit an application.

Also for the parent route how long is that process going to take?
