by Stowtjie » Sun Dec 17, 2017 8:25 pm
My children and I entered the UK on dependent visas under my husband's British Passport. In September 2016 we applied for limited Leave to Remain, which was granted for 30 months.
We have only been absent from the UK for a 3 week trip to Australia in April this year.
With the application I submitted the forms as well as:
- my husband and my marriage certificate
- our children's unabridged birth certificates
- my husband's passport
- our current BRP cards (for my children and I)
- my husband's parent's marriage certificate (his dad was born in the UK)
- my husband's fathers birth certificate (again, he was born in the uk)
- my husband's father's death certificate (he died in 1980 in South Africa)
- proof of residence (utility bills etc) for the previous 3 years
Everything I could think of really.
The exact wording of the refusal is:
"Normally a minor will not be registered if, as appears in this case, they are not 'settled' in the UK as defined by the immigration laws.
Also, a minor will not be registered if, as also appears in this case, one of their parents is not 'settled' in the UK as defined by the immigration laws.
These expectations are not met. We have therefore considered reqistration exceptionally but do not consider there are sufficient grounds to register and their applications are refused."