by Capricornarr » Thu Mar 15, 2018 2:48 am
Hi, PLEASE !!! I need some help too guys. I am on spouse visa 5year route and I ll have to apply for my ILR in june/july this year. If I am not wrong for Ilr its the same 18600 income or savings of 62500 yeah?. The problem is that my wife has been financially support for the last both flrm visas but due to some issues at her work she is having to leave in a month or 2 which is April/May. My worry is that we have savings but not all whats required. I have two concerns, firstly If my family gives me the rest of the money even as a gift to make it 62.5k in total just a month or 2 prior to the application date, so would that be an issue for my ilr application? secondly If we dont meet the savings requirement then what happens to my stay? considering I have already done my 5 years on FLRM :s Looking forward to some good advise ASAP. Thanks