My wife is soon hoping to submit an application to join me in the UK on a spouse visa, but I'm having difficulty working out how the submission of supporting documents works. In a sticky on this board, it is stated:
...the British Embassy uses its service provider, Gerry’s FedEx for applicants to lodge certain documents(Applicants passport and biometrics only) in Islamabad, Mirpur, Lahore and Karachi.
The rest of the application and supporting document are now sent to UKBA offices in Sheffield England.
However, Gerry's state the following:
All documents submitted by customers applying for standard Tier 1, 2, 4 and 5 are scanned at the
Visa Application Centre and sent electronically to UKVI.
The new process allows customers to retain their supporting documents during the application
process. Apart from an applicant’s passport, all supporting documents will, where possible, be
handed back at the Visa Application Centre after they have been scanned.
Does the advice from Gerry's apply only to tiered visas? In other words, taking into account the reliability of the Pakistan postal service in my past interactions with it, will I need to fly out with the application pack for a spouse visa application?