My wife has her Indefinite Leave to Remain application to do in a few months time, I've just had a look at the SET(M) form and have a few questions:
Section 12 - Documents:
Under children it says "evidence of where your child/children normally lives..." and gives "official correspondence adressed to the child/children" as one option, is there an official definition of what "official correspondence" actually is?

It also says "evidence of your and/or your partner's parental responsibility for the child/children", with no examples given

Under Knowledge of language and life in the UK it asks for "A relevant speaking and listening qualification, as described in the guidance note on our website...", my wife has a degree from a UK university so I'd assume this is all we need like previous LTR applications? The guidance document has a separate section for "speaking and listening" which doesn't clarify this, it just says the only acceptable tests are in the SELT list.
These and the question asking for details of ALL periods of absence from the UK since moving here are the only differences I can find from the FLR(M) form in our case, does anyone know if there are any other differences in what is required this time?