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Please black out ALL personal details and names (yours and child's) before posting a link to the resudal letter.
For members to have the full details of the OPs first post in this topic.
Also, my child's mother is not my partner nor girlfriend. We are co-parenting that's all. The public best interest? I'm not some criminal.Londoner007 wrote: ↑Tue Oct 02, 2018 11:47 pmHome Office take crime very seriously, with your track record I am not surprised at all they refused you and will probably continue to refuse you.
Some of the things you have been charged with repeatedly is shocking and I am sure that it is in the publics best interest to keep such an offender out of UK.
Isn't there a way the child and your partner can go and visit you in USA so that you can spend time with the child?
I appreciate you replying to my thread but please don't be quick to judge. I never attacked or verbally attacked a police officer. I do not remember doing something like this while I was in the U.K hence me getting NFA. I am going to get most of these things off my record. When they say burglary it was not me breaking into a home or shop. I was caught on CCTV inside an empty construction building. You don't know the full story and Immigration doesn't as well. But the police do so they gave me NFA for that as well because of no actual evidence or any reason that I was in that empty construction to commit a crime. I was dumb enough to follow some drunk personLondoner007 wrote: ↑Wed Oct 03, 2018 1:16 amIf someone who has previously attacked a police officer, made false statements, burgled shops, and even threatened intimated or cause fear to others, and the fact has been charged, isn't a criminal... then you are either delusional or in denial.
Home Office looks after all public safety and affairs and one of the ways is with boarder control, and with your reckless record it in definitely in the best of public interest to keep you out.
From Home office's point of view WHY should the home office let such a person in and risk more burglaries, threat, false representation etc.
Sometimes, perception is everything. It gets worse when there are documents to support this perception. Details that you are providing here are not things the HO is privy to. Londoner is probably just getting you to see how the HO perceives you so that you can understand the full picture of your situation.Jordan30296 wrote: ↑Wed Oct 03, 2018 1:57 amI appreciate you replying to my thread but please don't be quick to judge. I never attacked or verbally attacked a police officer. I do not remember doing something like this while I was in the U.K hence me getting NFA. I am going to get most of these things off my record. When they say burglary it was not me breaking into a home or shop. I was caught on CCTV inside an empty construction building. You don't know the full story and Immigration doesn't as well. But the police do so they gave me NFA for that as well because of no actual evidence or any reason that I was in that empty construction to commit a crime. I was dumb enough to follow some drunk personLondoner007 wrote: ↑Wed Oct 03, 2018 1:16 amIf someone who has previously attacked a police officer, made false statements, burgled shops, and even threatened intimated or cause fear to others, and the fact has been charged, isn't a criminal... then you are either delusional or in denial.
Home Office looks after all public safety and affairs and one of the ways is with boarder control, and with your reckless record it in definitely in the best of public interest to keep you out.
From Home office's point of view WHY should the home office let such a person in and risk more burglaries, threat, false representation etc.Trust me my criminal record isn't as bad as it looks. I only got found guilty for two crimes. There is no evidence for most of my other crimes. I can admit to the shoplifting and criminal damage but that's about it. People make mistakes. You can't judge me. Put yourself in my shoes. I bet you made mistakes in the past. You don't know me. I'm the one who is going through it right now. I'm the one who can't see my child. NOT YOU. So please smile and be happy that you are not in my situation instead of bringing me down because you definitely do not know me. I will fight this battle. You will definitely see. I am getting a solicitor.