Can someone please guide me if there is a possibility to bring them here on adult dependent visa.
I am the only son and they are over 60s but both are healthy.
Unlikely they will get or qualify for an adult dependent visa. The UK doesn't permit 'chain migration'. If you do apply and it is refused, the likely outcome is their visitor visa might get cancelled and they won't be able to get another visitor visa due to their intention to settled being known.
immigration-for-family-members/adult-de ... 87771.html
immigration-for-family-members/older-de ... 42420.html
I am also open to over to Ireland for this?
You will need to post your question in the Ireland sub forum. However, be careful as many have been refused due to proving they are self sufficient and have ties to home country for a UK visitor visa and then failed to prove and provide evidence of dependence for the EEA route permit in Ireland. The UK and Ireland share immigration information. Bear in mind also that with Brexit due soon, you might not have sufficient time to do the centre of life move to Ireland, bring them to Ireland and then return to the UK.