I'm in a relationship with my partner for over a year. He is Albanian and a illegal immigrant.
1. How long has your partner been in the UK??
2. How long have you been in a relationship?
3. Do you plan on marrying? If yes, do you realise what the process to register to marry in the UK involves in regards to Home Office investigating?
I was hoping someone could give me some advice on what is the best way to about this.
You are looking at a long and expensive, possibly disappointing, immigration journey.
I am a British citizen, with a British passport. I'm a full time student at university and also work part time.
To sponsor a spouse/partner, YOU need to be earning a minimum of £18,600 per annum with at least 6 months payslips and bank statements. Your partner also requires the English test and you need to have adequate accommodation.
what would be the best way to guarantee him citizenship.
Your partner is a very very long way away from citizenship, at least 10 years from the date of getting legal status in the UK.