Hi there. I'm hoping to move my amazing wife over from Canada, we're applying in the first few days of May.
As is likely with many people, we can't afford an immigration Lawyer and are instead relying on common sense and reading all rules etc. However i realized this board (which has been used for reference before) could also be of direct help, if anyone would be so kind.
I would like to know if how i am working out this calculation is correct
I get salary, overtime and other pay from my current employment, so i worked it out like this
Salary = 13000
Overtime = (over 6 months) 2400/6x12= 4800
other = (over 6 months) 1800/6x12= 3600
13000 + 4800 + 3600 = 21400
Is this calculation correct?
I also would like to know how relevant my p60 will be. It is dated till April 5th, but i don't recieve it till April 27th, i'll send it over to my wife through overnight so she'll get it on the 28th/29th along with my passport and all other evidence. She will apply and send it away but does this mena my finances has to be worked out till the end of april, or the end of march?
The end of april poses a problem, as it basically means my p60 is secondary evidence rather than primary due to it not including Aprils wage, plus it means i'd have to wait till my April pay to get bank statements etc and to do the calculations. Is this right? I really hope not
Any help at all would be so appreciated from others that have went through this and are far more knowledgeable that me on this topic
And thank you all for making this a thriving community with updates, places for questions and a database with a wealth of information. It's incredible