by Hshah2009 » Fri Jan 26, 2018 3:16 pm
Dear, Members
I have made 2nd spouse visa application in December 2017, since 1st application was refused.
Would like to ask forum members that it would be much helpful if you all can help me out.
Want to ask that when home office call (ECO?), what phone number do you get on the mobile screen and do they leave a voicemail if you don't answer?
Do the numbers are UK numbers (+44 numbers) or abroad numbers (Eg: France, Italy numbers) ?
Asking this as I was India to make the application and have got 5 calls (Which I didn't answer as mobile was in UK) from France (different numbers) after I have submitted the application. Again yesterday got a call from Italy but before I answer it, it was cut off.
Please do share members what number do you get when ECO call you. Not the actual number, just want to know its UK number or abroad number (which country).
Look forward to your replies members.
Thank you.