My wife and I are finalising the FLR M application for my wife's visa extension, and would greatly appreciate if someone can please have a look at the following documents we'll be submitting.
My wife came to the UK in 27/09/2015 on a spouse visa. We've been living in the same property since her arrival. The property is owned by myself. We also have a child together, who was born in the UK and holds a British citizenship. I, the sponsor, am a British citizen too, and the financial requirements will be met through my income (category A).
Personal documents:
- Applicant's original passport.
- Applicant's previous expired passport.
- Sponsor's original passport (+ photocopy of bio page - not sure if photocopy is necessary when we're submitting the original passport).
- 2 x passport photos of applicant, with name written on the back.
- 1 X passport photo of the sponsor, with name written on the back.
- IHS number (written in application form).
- Original marriage certificate in Arabic (+ photocopy).
- Marriage certificate translation (+ photocopy).
- Full birth certificate of child (+ photocopy).
- Child's original passport (+ photocopy of bio page).
- Letter within last 3 months from GP addressed to our child, confirming his registration (+ photocopy).
- Letter within last 3 months from nursery addressed to our child, confirming his registration (+ photocopy).
- Land registry. Downloaded online for £3 (+ photocopy).
- Latest mortgage statement (+ photocopy).
- Wife passed the A2 test and we included the test number in the application.
- Actual test certificate (+ photocopy).
- Bank statements showing last 6 months salary payments.
- 6 latest payslips, stamped by HR department (+ photocopies).
- Letter from HR department giving details as requested by form (+ photocopy).
- October-2015: Council tax (joint).
- December-2015: National Insurance Number (applicant).
- February-2016: Water bill (joint).
- July-2016: Bank statement (sponsor).
- September-2016: Council tax (joint).
- December-2016: NHS letter for our child examination result (joint).
- February-2017: Water bill (joint).
- April-2017: NHS letter confirming screening test result (applicant).
- June-2017: HMRC tax code letter (sponsor).
- December-2017: Nursery invoice for payment (joint). This letter is issued by the Newcastle City Council on behalf of our child's nursery. The letter has the same format/logo/headed paper as the one we get for council tax (issued by Newcastle City Council as well), it's just a payment to a different thing in this case. Is this still acceptable?
- March-2018: Water bill (joint).
So I think we have 3 different sources of joint letters (council tax, water bill, NHS letter). I'm not sure if the nursery invoice for payment letter (issued by city council) would be considered as a fourth source, or just the same source as the council tax letter. I have included two individual letters for both the applicant and sponsor, just to be on the safe side, and also to cover some periods that we don't have a joint letter for. Please correct me if I have made any wrong assumptions, or if there are letters that are either unnecessary, or missing.