by finalversion_2k » Tue Jul 17, 2018 9:37 am
So finally my divorce decsion made, now waiting for Decree Of Divorce.
Problem: Just to made divorce proceeding quickly/speedy my Polish solicitor make stupid statement/circumstances from his self, without reviewing from me/wife and submit to court. and on that statement court issued divorce on first hearing, when I saw i got mini heart attack as she's with me till now and Mater hospital appointment for medical test next week/ also working here in dublin. I believe this decision will talk to my Retention application. would really appreciate if you guys suggest anything on below divorce decision, currently polish solicitors trying to sort this. couple of suggestions (1. change the wording which will change the interpretation, e.g: The plaintiff and defendant have lived apart from mid-2015 CHANGE TO The plaintiff and defendant have conjugal relationship broken since mid-2015. 2. In Translation of Decree of divorce they will change 2015 to 2018) I don't know what should i do.
According to the application, the applicant is a Pakistani citizen and the defendant is an Polish citizen. The applicant and the defendant married Ireland March 17, 2014. The plaintiff and defendant have lived apart from mid-2015. Currently, the applicant lives in Ireland and the defendant lives in poland. Spouses had their last joint residence in Ireland. Both spouses have now moved their lives and have lived their lives for several years now. Both the plaintiff and the defendant have a new life partner. The plaintiff wants to divorce her and, knowingly, the defendant agrees to the divorce and wishes to do so himself. The applicant's and the defendant's cohabitation did not succeed because of the great cultural differences and the disagreements that have arisen. The applicant considers that it is impossible to restore marital relations, as both parties have moved forward and have new partners in life. The applicant and the defendant does not have children. The plaintiff does not want to divide the joint property, as the spouses have already split their joint property into a divorce. The applicant considers that Polish law must apply in this case. The applicant is firmly convinced that the defendant is also of the same opinion. The applicant sought the divorce of Plaintiff and Defendant and ordered the party to pay the costs of the proceedings.